perm filename MARY[AM,DBL] blob sn#169680 filedate 1975-07-22 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00300	Mary, a 25 year old married woman was administered the  W.A.I.S.   on
00400	July  7  at  8:00  P.M. in her new apartment.  No one else was there.
00500	Mary is a nurse married to a brilliant but  crazy  medical  resident.
00600	She  is  currently looking for a job at the same hospital her husband
00700	is doing his residency.  At the time of testing she told me that  she
00800	was  frustrated  over  the  number  of interviews she will have to go
00900	through.     She said  she  would  take  the  WAIS  because  she  was
01000	interested in seeing what it was about and how she would do in it.
01200	Mary  is  a pretty woman with a "girlish" cute face.  She has a great
01300	figure and is unafraid to show it off through the clothes she  wears.
01400	She had just come from the pool where she had been sunning all day so
01500	she was wearing short shorts and a halter top  revealing  her  belly.
01600	She  is  a  pleasant  lady  who  is  usually smiling.    She does act
01700	flirtatious around others.  I was surprized to see how well Mary  did
01800	on  the  WAIS  because  she does not impress me as "intelligent", but
01900	rather, the opposite.
02400	Verbal IQ: 133
02500	Performance IQ: 105
02600	Full Scale IQ: 122 -- Superior
02900	VERBAL PART -- SCORE 94, IQ 133
03100	Mary did extremely well in the verbal  section  of  the  test.    Her
03200	verbal  score  of  94  had  and  IQ score of 133 which is in the high
03300	superior category. There was hardly any scatter in the verbal subtest
03400	scores  at  all showing her to be consistent and letting no stumbling
03500	blocks interfere in her completion of the task.  There was,  however,
03600	considerable  scatter  between  her  verbal score and her performance
03700	score.   (Her performance score was 41 points lower than  her  verbal
03800	score.)   This   is  indicative  of  a  person  who  does  very  well
03900	academically and has a good prognosis for staying in therapy.
04100	Information:  Scaled Score -- 14
04300	Since this was the very first test given to her she appeared nervous.
04400	Repression  was her defense here as she "blanked out" answers to easy
04500	questions that I knew she knew (such as,  "What  is  the  capital  of
04600	Italy?").    When  this happened, and it did three or four times, she
04700	became embarassed and turned red.   We would  then  go  on  to  other
04800	questions  but  she  usually  thought  of  the  answer to the one she
04900	blanked out on before.  Perhaps this suggests a compulsivity  to  get
05000	it  right  and  not  move  on  until  she does.   This was the lowest
05100	subscore  in  the  verbal  part  and  I'm  attributing  this  to  her
05200	nervousness in taking the WAIS.
05400	Comprehension:  Scaled Score -- 17
05600	Mary  did  very well in this subtest suggesting she has very good and
05700	appropriate judgement and uses it to her advantage  in  dealing  with
05800	reality  problems.     She  also  seemed  to  conquer  her repression
05900	stumbling block as she did not blank out even once here.  This  shows
06000	her  adaptability in dealing with new tasks -- even anxiety producing
06100	ones.   She still  appeared  nervous  though,  twidling  her  pencil.
06200	Repetition  of  the question that was just asked told me that she was
06300	having a hard time concentrating on the task but  that  she  overcame
06400	it.
06600	Arithmetic Scaled Score -- 17
06800	She  verbally  said  that  she  doesn't do well in arithmetic and was
06900	anxious about it.  She did very well in it, however with  hardly  any
07000	hesitation.   The  way  she said the answers in a mechanical monotone
07100	voice surprized me. She did seem alert here.
07300	Similarities:  Scaled Score -- 17
07500	She did not appear to be nervous here  and  this  showed  up  in  her
07600	score.   Since she got full points for all but one this suggests that
07700	she can deal in the abstract level of intelligence quite well.    She
07800	can put things together as concepts in her world.
08000	Digit Span:  Scaled Score -- 15
08200	Her  scaled  score  here  is precisely the mean of her verbal subtest
08300	scores.   She did very well on  repeating  numbers  forward  fashion,
08400	getting  all  nine  right.  There was a lot of expressed anxiety with
08500	the backwards repetition part.  She did not do as well  getting  only
08600	six  right.    She  said  she wanted to go back to doing the forwards
08700	part.  This test tested attention and concentration abilities  and  I
08800	think Mary did well even though she was anxious.
09000	Vocabulary:  Scaled Score -- 15
09200	Mary  seemed  most erratic in the way she gave most her answers here.
09300	At times she was clear and precise, saying only  a  few  words  which
09400	conveyed  the  desired  meaning exactly. For example, "repair -- make
09500	something broken into its prior state", or "regulate  --  control  or
09600	watch  over  the  management  of  something",  or  "designate  --  to
09700	appoint", etc.  Yet at other times, Mary  responded  with  incomplete
09800	fragments,  such as "winter -- season of the year", or "slice -- part
09900	of a whole." At still other other times, she replied  with  incorrect
10000	answers, receiving zero points.  For example, "tangible -- possible",
10100	or "encumber -- enclose". On the last word, "travesty,"  she  drew  a
10200	total  blank,and  could only relate to it in terms of the lyrics to a
10300	show tune.  Her score here was the mean, again. Since this  mean  was
10400	high,  it  suggests  that  Mary  has  had  a  rich  variety  of  life
10500	experieinces, and  much  schooling.   She  sometimes  had  compulsive
10600	tendencies to be precise (see above), but these were not excessive.
10800	PERFORMANCE:  SCORE -- 53, IQ -- 105
11000	Performance  was  not  Mary's  strong point.  She only did "average",
11100	which was much worse than her "high  superior"  verbal  rating.  This
11200	suggests  a  person who is better able and willing to "think" than to
11300	"do".
11500	Digit Symbol:  Scaled Score -- 7
11700	Mary did something interesting here. She started to do  the  test  in
11800	the  usual  way,  filling  in each consecutive symbol, for almost two
11900	whole rows of the test. Then she became frustrated,  and  decided  to
12000	find  all  the  5's,  and fill in the proper symbol for each of them;
12100	then find all the 9's..., but by this point  all  the  time  was  up.
12200	Although  she  was  penalized  for this approach, it demonstrates her
12300	creativity in problem solving, and her flexibility in  approaching  a
12400	symbolic  task. It also showed that Mary adapted quickly to the test.
12500	Speed was unimportant to her here: although she knew  that  the  test
12600	was  timed,  she  was  not  making  any attempt to rush.  Mary seemed
12700	concerned with doing the test in an efficient way,  and  she  thought
12800	that the second algorithm she used would be more sensible.
13000	Picture Completion:  Scaled Score -- 11
13200	Mary's  score here was one point above the mean of 10 for performance
13300	subtest scores.   She missed things like the nose piece, base  thread
13400	(everyone  I  tested  missed  this),  stacks,  leg,  finger,  and the
13500	eyebrow.  All these missed things were hard to  see,  I  think.   She
13600	showed   good   visual   concentration  ability  as  well  as  visual
13700	organization and alertness overall.
13900	Block design:  Scaled Score -- 14
14100	This  test  showed  the  most  scatter  between  the  score  and  the
14200	performance  mean.   Although  very anxious here, saying at one point
14300	"I'm panicking", she was very willing and able to finish task and did
14400	quite  a good job on it.  In fact, she did better on this than on all
14500	the other subtests in the performance part.  She saw immediately that
14600	she  would  have  to  use all the blocks on problem 7 suggesting good
14700	concept formation.   She persisted through the task and  showed  good
14800	visual  motor  coordination  and  good  organization abilities.   She
14900	looked at the book once and memorized the picture and did not look at
15000	it again.  She used her "mental picture" and put blocks together one,
15100	two, three.
15300	Picture arrangement:  Scale Score -- 11
15500	Mary missed two completely but got full points including bonus points
15600	on  the  rest.   Basically  it  showed  that she was able to plan and
15700	anticipate well.   I would say  she  is  pretty  adequate  in  social
15800	intelligence.
16000	Object Assembly:  Scaled Score -- 10
16200	She  was  very,  very  anxious here saying such things as "I'm such a
16300	klutz", or "It's not computing at all".  She became  very  frustrated
16400	at  one point and said "I just want to scream".  Other emotions shown
16500	here were anger -- "Damn elephant!" and embarrasment -- laughing  and
16600	saying  "I'm slower than most children".  She was ready to give up on
16700	last one after two minutes but continued when told she had more time.
16800	Actually her performance was the same score as the mean so it was not
16900	all that bad. She was probably tired since this was the last test and
17000	hence  her  anxiety  showed  through  more clearly.   Her performance
17100	showed that, although anxious and tired, she still showed good visual
17200	and motor coordination and good problem solving ability.
17700	Mary  showed  her  high  intelligence  in taking the WAIS.   She also
17800	showed that she had strength of will by  not  letting  any  stumbling
17900	blocks  get  in  her  way  for  long.  She showed that she is able to
18000	overcome her anxiety and perform well.  She is basically  a  "verbal"
18100	person,  one  that  is  good  academically.   She showed that she has
18200	creativity in her problem solving ability  and  is  flexible  in  her
18300	approach.   Her  visual and motor coordination and her organizational
18400	abilities are fine.  She can and does deal in the abstract  level  of
18500	intelligence.   I  wonder  why  she  has  a low opinion of herself as
18600	reflected in her comments above when frustrated. She is  not  one  to
18700	show  off  her  intelligence  to  people.    She  is socially mature,
18800	however.